Selecting the right photo shoulder bag is a very personal decision. It needs to help you carry necessary equipment when commuting, taking photos or just walking around. Usually, camera bags are practical, but boring. Sirui understands that most people using shoulder bags really want something that suits their own special style. Something with real personality.
A photo shoulder bag should look good, yet be high quality and functional. That is the reason they chose waxed cotton canvas, YKK RC zippers with antique silver finished Sliders and premium quality nylon webbing for style and durability. And They made them able to hold a lot of equipment in a small space - camera, lenses, accessories and a laptop or tablet!
Sirui messenger shoulder bag has a look that is enduring and gets even better with age! The use of natural leather and antique silver finished hardware on select parts of the bag helps to make it an instant classic. It simply doesn't shout camera bag!
People who use a Sirui MyStory bag quickly form a real attachment to the bag. More than just an accessory, it becomes an extension of the user. Discretely carrying the gear you need, yet always accessible and secure. The Sirui MyStory - a bag you'll want to carry and use.
15" Laptop