Imported color leather gives a more stylish touch to leather handbags. This attractive handbag is close to celery with a yellowish influence (if you want to really dig into colors) The trim and straps are chocolate brown .The bag is a handbag yet it has a strap down the back. To allow it to be carried as a back pack. The bag measures 19" X 15" with wrap around pockets. A handled flap hovers over a zipped closure and embellished strips. Great for daily wear and to be your new best friend!
"Handle it handbagz" always acknowledges "Some of the greatest Known ,Unknowns , Ever Known" women. This bag is in honor of Cathay William or William Cathay she was a female soldier who enlisted in the United States Army under the pseudonym William Cathay. She was the first African-American woman to enlist and the only one documented as having served in the United States Army posing as a man. After leaving the military she signed up a all black regiment that would eventually become "The Buffalo Soldiers".